Disclosures and Submissions


Send an email with your story idea to editor@podwires.com. We can be reached in the following ways as well.

For further information on how to submit a podcast to our podcast news section, click here.

We never ask for money to cover a story.

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The following advice can be very helpful when sending a press release to the newsletter team:

  • Relevant Content: Make sure the information in your press release applies to the intended readership of our newsletter and is consistent with our editorial stance. This makes it more likely that it will be printed in our publication.

  • Newsworthiness: Emphasise the elements of your announcement or development that are noteworthy. Press releases that provide our readers with timely, distinctive, and engaging content are more likely to be covered by us.

  • Well-Written and Concise: Make sure your press release is error-free, correctly organised, and brief. It is easier for our editors to comprehend and modify the content of a well-written press release for our newsletter.

  • Quote and Background Information: Provide pertinent quotes from influential people or subject matter experts along with background data that sets the scene and lends authority to your press release.

  • High-Quality Visuals: Provide high-quality pictures, infographics, or videos to go along with the press release, if applicable. Readers can find the content more interesting and appealing when it includes visuals.

  • Contact Information: Indicate which department or individual is in charge of responding to media requests. This guarantees that should the need arise, our editors will be able to get in touch for more details or clarification.

  • Follow Submission Guidelines: Comply with any formatting specifications or guidelines we may have for press release submissions. This guarantees a more seamless integration into our newsletter and expedites the review process.

  • Exclusivity: Provide early or exclusive access to the news or information in your press release, if at all possible. This may make it more appealing for us to write about and give our readers something of value.

  • Personalization: Send the press release to the editor or team member who is in charge of your industry or topic to make it seem more genuine.

  • Timeliness: Please send us your press release well in advance of any deadlines or publication dates that apply. This will give our team enough time to edit, review, and include it in the newsletter.

    You can improve the likelihood that your press release will be included in our newsletter, that it will reach our interested readership, and that it will successfully promote your news or announcements by paying attention to these pointers.

Embargoes are always respected.

We honour requests for anonymity at all times.

Paid opportunities

Podwires provides a paid "editorial focus" to promote major launches, as well as sponsorship opportunities to guarantee daily coverage of your goods or services. Prices begin at $250; send an email to sales@podwires.com, and we'll be pleased to assist you.

Ownership and disclosures in business

The company Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd runs Podwires.com. As one of our partners, Podworks.io helps the business run, but it has no say in the editorial process and doesn't see the editorial content before it goes live.

We always uphold editorial integrity. Sponsors and supporters have no control over our newsletter's core content. Story selection and writing for our main newsletter are editorially independent. However, Podwires.com may include sponsored content from companies or organisations. These articles will be labelled as sponsored and presented separately from the main newsletter. We will disclose our relationship with the company.

You can buy classified ads on our platform. The classified advertising section is independent of our editorial process. Our team is unaware of this section's contents until the new issue is ready for distribution. This separation safeguards our editorial content.

We also have low-cost partnerships with event and conference organisers. We promote their events through paid classified ads and newsletter mentions in these collaborations. We promote these events, but the organisers have no control over the content or messaging in our editorial mentions.

In addition to curating Podwires and serving as the director of Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd, Australia's Independent Podcast Management Agency, Miko Santos.